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As new, as it is old.

Our vinery has been located in the heart of the Wachau since 1747. In 2018 it was brought back to life with the philosophy of producing top products in harmony with nature. From the vine, to the grape to the bottle, we pay strict attention to quality. Therefore, we hope our wines taste as good, as it tastes to us.

This is me.


I am Paul and I come from an old winegrower family. So it is only clear that I was born with winemaking in mind and that one day I will take over our business. Attendance to the higher educational institute for wine and fruit growing in Klosterneuburg also takes another step in this direction. My father Josef and I are currently running the winery. My father keeps the tradition and I bring fresh and new ideas. True to our motto "With tradition and modernity", this creates a harmonious and lively wine.


It is very important to me not to exclude nature, but to work with it, since we live from it. Because sustainable and tasty wines can only be created with a conscious attitude towards ecology.


BIOLOGISCH   aus Leidenschaft

Aus Respekt und Liebe zur Natur haben wir uns dazu entschieden, unsere Weingärten biologisch zu bewirtschaften.

Wir achten daher im Weingarten auf eine hohe Biodiversität und setzen auf sorgfältige Handarbeit.

Um unseren Reben natürliche Nährstoffe zur Verfügung zu stellen, bauen wir Begrünungen aus verschiedenen KLeearten und Kräuterpflanzen an. Durch viele Blühpflanzen schaffen wir auch einen Lebensraum für Bienen und viele weitere Insekten, die uns als Nützlinge dienen.

Alle unsere Arbeiten erfolgen nach den Biologischen Bewirtschaftungsrichtlinen und nach denen der "Vinea Wachau Nobilis Districtus".

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